
1297633992569_ORIGINALSo Sunday I wrote about the Edmonton Oilers misery and how fans should essentially boycott the team.  It was far and away the most viewed post I’ve ever written.  In about 31 hours, it had 700 readers.  My previous best was 299 for one post, probably 400 in the same time span, though I honestly cannot recall how many reads that piece (mock draft 4.0 last June) got the day after.  I would LOVE to say it was my writing….but it wasn’t.  A fan base that is mad as hell pimped a ton (and I can’t thank everyone who did enough).


The Edmonton Oilers organization heard this outrage loud and clear, and yesterday….conveniently right before their daily radio program Oilers Now began…and made the change that the fan base has been waiting for.  Frederic Chabot out, Dustin Schwartz in as goaltending coach.


Now, everyone in the hockey world has been crushing the Oilers but no longer.  This should be the move that takes the Oilers from the outhouse to the penthouse.  I mean, nothing says accountability quite like firing one of the very few outside hires and replacing him with a guy who has zero pro hockey track record but we know him so we like him.


Actually, that’s not fair.  I am certain that knowing these guys in charge, they searched ENDLESSLY.  Around Rexall Place, the Rexall Place parking lot, West Ed’s skating rink, Millennium Place in Sherwood Park, Leduc, St. Albert…but after an exhaustive search, hours in fact, they found their man.


So never let it be said again that the Oilers organization doesn’t know what they’re doing!  The OBVIOUS answer to only finishing above 25th overall once in 5 seasons, soon to be 6, is to axe the goaltending coach to bring in one of your newest buddies….DUH!


Full credit on this one to Daryl Katz too.  Not only does this man write excellent and heart warming letters, he protected his good friends Kevin and Craig, and in turn they protected their friend Dallas.  Now that’s friendship and friendship is what it is all about.  David Perron wants to rip the team?  That’s not a good friend, so get that traitor the f*** out of town!!!  Good riddance David to you and you’re work ethic, don’t be bringing that sh*t around these parts!  That’s not “Oilers hockey”.

The guy on the left will be an Oiler employee soon enough

Does David Perron even know about Oilers hockey?!  Not at all.  But you know who does?  Kevin Lowe, and do you know why he does?  Because he has 6 rings.  In case you didn’t know or forgot, Lowe knows all about winning because he won 6 rings.  And NO it doesn’t matter that it was as a player riding Mark Messier’s coattails his entire career.  That OBVIOUSLY translates to being an executive and building a great franchise for all you idiots who don’t think it does.


So Oiler fans, you can quit your bitching thank you very much.  That cancer Freddy Chabot is gone, all hail Schwartzy the best goaltender in Lloydminster Blazers history with all due respect to Garth Gazdewich and Ray Fraser, Schwartz was the best.  Even back in 2000 I remember saying “he’s going to be an NHL goaltending coach based off decent seasons being one in the AJ and WHL”.  Don’t give me credit for thinking that though, most did obviously.  So watch out NHL, once the Oilers rid themselves of that damn work ethic David Perron brings, they’re going to rocket up the NHL standings.

Follow me on twitter @TJ_Soups

7 thoughts on “They Found the Answer

  1. ‘All hail Schwartzy, the best goaltender in Lloydminster Blazers history…’

    Easy there Soups…. I know a guy who takes that personally.

    1. Hahaha hey now, you were likely at the 3 OT classic in 2000 against the MOB, he was incredible that night! Always love you reading and commenting Carozza!

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