Big Brother has nothing on these guys

Some people have asked me lately why I haven’t talked about the summer games as of yet. Well the fact of the matter is I believe it’s unfair of me to run my mouth about sports and athletes that I literally know nothing about. I likely will do a summary piece on them next Monday, but for now I’m going to stick to my Jets….
See what I did there? You see the saying is stick to my guns, but I said stick to my Jets because I’m talking about the Jets. Pretty incredible writing yet again wouldn’t you say? But then again that is what you’ve come to expect from your 47th favorite blog. Ahhhh the NY Jets, the greatest circus on the planet right now. The latest? A brawl during a scrimmage at training camp. PERFECT. So add that to Rex Ryan and his antics, the heat between Mark Sanchez and Santonio Holmes, Tim Tebow and his own side circus, Antonio Cromartie running his mouth about being the 2nd best WR on the team, and the spotlight that will be on controversial 1st round pick Quinton Coples.
DAMN! The Cowboys of the 90’s don’t have a thing on this team! It’s hard to believe that just 18 months ago this team was in the AFC title game for the 2nd straight year with a 2nd year QB. Now here we are and that QB might not have a job by seasons end. In fact on May 7th I predicted on twitter that Tebow would be the starter by week 7. Their schedule to start the season is flat out brutal and there for could make Sanchez look brutal.
I can’t help but think some of what is going on here isn’t to steal the back pages on the NY newspapers from the Giants. I don’t get that line of thinking at all, they had a good thing going. But when it comes to ownership Woody Johnson is a guy that obviously loves getting the attention. Sure he would like to win, but he is more about the spotlight. This is the owner that went out and got Brett Favre when he first left Green Bay. Then he hired Rex Ryan who was an attention getter right from the start. Bart Scott, LT, Plaxico, going on “Hard Knocks”, Woody Johnson likes the sexy names and he likes the spotlight.
The amazing thing out of all this is that as much as they are a circus, they have the pieces to contend in the AFC. As much as Ryan runs his mouth and can be more of a distraction than anything, nobody has ever said he can’t coach. The company line with Tebow is that he isn’t there to challenge Sanchez for his starting job but to run the wildcat which we all know new OC Tony Sparano loves to use. Nobody used the wildcat better than the Dolphins did, and Tebow should be the perfect guy to run it.
Meanwhile Sanchez and Holmes have been playing nice with Holmes recently putting the blame on the late season problems all on himself. If they can keep that up, they’re potentially a great duo. Dustin Keller is a solid TE, 2nd round pick Stephen Hill will need time to develop but could have some impact towards the end of the season, so the offense has some good potential.
As for Quinton Coples, it’s not like anyone is saying the kid doesn’t have great talent. He was expected to be a top 5 pick at this time last year. But he had a horrific 2011 season, some of that was because he was playing out of position. If Coples can play up to his potential then the pick will be more than justifiable. They need it too. While the D is still very good, they’re getting old in a hurry and could really use the young blood.
If I was a betting man….which I very much so am it’s just that I can’t really bet on this…I would say the Jets are more likely to implode than to play up to their potential this season. But man, either way it is DAMN fun to watch play out!